Fachschaft Chemie – The student representatives of the chemistry department.
Normally, “Fachschaft” (=student body) refers to all students of a specific department. But when people talk about a Fachschaft, they mostly mean the small group of students who represent the whole student body. And that’s who we are. We represent bachelor, master and lectureship students for chemistry and biochemistry. But what exactly are we doing?
- give advice and insider information to all first years and prospective students
- organize the introduction week
- publish the first year magazine Zyankali
- sell lab coats and safety goggles
- offer insurance during lab courses
- organize parties, graduation ceremonies and sporting events
- rent out examination protocols for bachelor, master and doctoral examinations
- host and administer the forum “Feststofftonne“, for chemistry students in Heidelberg
- set candidates for various university councils and commitees
- rent out stereos for parties, plates, cups…
- offer help with problems and conflicts
- and much more!
You want to check out our meetings? Just visit us during our meetings every Tuesday at 18.15 during the lecture period or join us at our next recruitment barbecue during spring. And if you have any questions, simply write us an email.