Fast Facts
Infos der Universität (official information, german)
Modulhandbuch (handbook, german)
Dead line: 15. Juli
Application Information (Deutsch/German)
Standard period of study: 6 Semester
The bachelor-degree-course of biochemistry in Heidelberg is strongly guided by the courses of the bachelor-degree-course of chemistry in the first two years. Practically all of the modules arranged for chemistry students are also to be attended by biochemistry students. This includes a strong emphasis on training of practical skills in the laboratory (daily work in the lab from 13:00-18:00) in the field of inorganic and organic chemistry. Lectures, tutorials and seminars in subjects, such as mathematics, physics and physical chemistry are also attended. Furthermore there is an introductory seminar in the first semester, offering an insight into the different current research-fields of biochemistry. Starting from the third semester on the amount of biological subjects increases, of which most are organized by the BZH (Heidelberg Biochemistry Research Centre). There are also practical courses in the topics of nucleic acids and proteomics. The biochemical courses in Heidelberg thereby stand out due to their excellent supervision because these courses are only attended by a maximum of 25 students and individual questions are taken into account. Until to this point the array of subjects is obligatory and very school-like. From the third year on the student then is required to do placements in research groups and upgrade his studies in topics that specifically interest him. There are several possible institutions in which work placements can be done (among other the German Cancer Research Centre) or the European Molecular Biology Laboratory.
All in all the biochemistry degree is very new (the first year started in winter 2012), which is why some modules are handled very flexibly. Important is a solid basic education in the field of all sciences, but especially chemistry, and rather individualized research-orientated continued studies beginning in the fifth semester, leading to the postgraduate studies.