Zum Wintersemester 19/20 startet am Max-Planck-Institut für medizinische Forschung ein interdisziplinärer Master-Studiengang, welcher die Fachbereiche Chemie, Physik und Biologie verbindet und sich mit Wissenschaft in den Schnittstellen dieser Fachbereiche beschäftigt. Das Programm richtet sich vorwiegend an Studierende die nach einem erfolgreichen Bachelorabschluss (in Chemie, Biologie, Physik oder verwandten Fächern) nach einem interdisziplinären Master suchen.
Die Bewerbungsfrist geht noch bis Ende des Monats!

The new Matter to Life Master’s program at the University of Heidelberg offers you a unique environment to study in an interdisciplinary setting with students of different scientific backgrounds. This Master’s program is part of the new Max Planck School Matter to Life which supports students with a generous scholarship, annual week-long summer schools, and mentoring by experienced faculty members from Heidelberg University, the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), the Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies and other excellent research institutes from around Germany.
If you will obtain your B.Sc. before August 2019, apply for the Master’s program by May 31, 2019!
The program is set up as follows:
Year 1 of M.Sc. (specialized Master-level courses)
- The first semester will be focused on fundamental Master-level knowledge in Chemistry, Physics, and Biology of living systems including Physical Chemistry, Quantitative Analysis, Physics of Complex Systems, Biophysics, and Ethics in Synthetic Biology.
- The second semester will emphasize the Chemistry of Molecular Systems and Engineering Approaches to biological problems including macromolecular structures and functions, chemical biology, bioconjugation, imaging chemistry, genome engineering, synthetic cells, and virology. This semester will conclude with your Master’s exam.
Year 2 of M.Sc. (research phase)
- The third and fourth semesters will be spent performing research in excellent theoretical and/or wet labs with at least two Matter to Life faculty members (any member within the whole Matter to Life network) and concludes with the submission of your Master’s thesis.
You will also have the opportunity to directly continue with your Ph.D. after finishing your Master’s thesis in the Max Planck School Matter to Life program with one of the Matter to Life faculty members. This second phase will be supported with a generous salary, summer schools, mentoring, and various scientific skill courses. The option to choose to continue the program into the 3-year Ph.D. phase is a unique opportunity in Germany that affords you the ability to efficiently and effectively perform research within the same network as your Master’s degree without having to re-apply to another program.
Max Planck School Matter to Life (MtL)
a joint initiative between German Universities and German Research Organizations
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